Thursday, December 14, 2006

CX Season a Wash

I had high hopes for this year's cyclocross season, but I was derailed by life. My father died after a two year struggle with ALS (Lou Gerhig's disease) in mid October. I subsequently did a lot of weekend commuting between St. Louis and Tallahassee and Michigan. I actually did get some quality road riding in in some unlikely places like northern Florida and Chattanooga (highly recommended for riding if you're ever in the area). When the cross season started, I felt slooooooow! Maybe it was the jump from C to B race, maybe it was lack of focused training, maybe my head just wasn't in it with all the stuff happening in my life. Anyway, the season was a wash and I'll just leave it at that.

Now doing base and working gradually on threshold. Major goal for next year is state TT champs. Hopefully that Delbert dude won't show up and destroy the 4'!


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